01282 835 935 info@multyclean.co.uk

Staingard treatment

Application Of Staingard Treatment

Staingard Protector is a highly advanced formula designed for application to your upholstery fabric, Carpets or rugs, it works by locking onto fibres to create an invisible, durable shield providing superb resistance to oil and water based spills.

This means stains caused by normal household spills can be easily be blotted away quickly, The action of Staingard Protector also means that dirt particles do not adhere to fibres as easily, making cleaning easier and reducing fibre wear due to soil abrasion.

Staingard is environmentally safe. Non-toxic,, non-allergenic, invisible and odourless when dry. Safe for pets too


Stain Removal treatment is more effective after Staingard has been applied.

Coffee & Tea Stains:
This is a big issue as you can imagine, as tea is a dye, but it is a stain we can usually remove depending on the carpet fiber type.

Makeup can be difficult to remove and tanning type products are usually permanent. We do have some success with some types of makeup on certain carpet fiber types.

Alcohol Stains:
Most alcohol spots & stains can be removed. The exception can be cocktail, fruit juices alco-pops as the dye in them can permanently stain wool type carpets but we have still had some success with the removed these stains in the past.

Oil, Grease or Tar:
We have a 90% success rate with removing this type of stain.

Wine Stains:
Wine is a stain we can usually fully remove in most cases, even red wine on a cream carpet! It is harder to remove on a wool carpet but we have a high success rate with this issue also.

Chewing Gum or Blu-Tac:
This can be a tough one to remove but with a little patience, and the correct products it is possible.

We are a dedicated and caring family business and our aim is 100% satisfaction once the work is complete.
Call us now: 01282 835 935